
Upscaling and replicating TExTOUR’s achievements

Published on 16 Jan 2024

TExTOUR is a project rooted in the past, with its traditions and heritage, but projected to the future. Looking forward, beyond the end of the project itself, TExTOUR is implementing a series of strategies to facilitate the replicability and upscaling of its methods.

The Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are essential tools for a successful project’s planning and execution, supporting the operational, technical, and socio-economic impact assessments. Defining the right KPIs, and the best way to measure them, is not easy. In that regard, the experience of TExTOUR’s pilots is valuable and shouldn’t be wasted.

TExTOUR’s cultural tourism KPIs and their automatization are described in a webinar held by Tecnalia, presenting the project’s KPIs implementation guide.

The guide analyses the KPIs available sources and provides automation for those variables which can be directly obtained from sources like statistics and OpenStreetMap.

More resources on TExTOUR’s methodology are available on the project’s website.

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