
TExTOUR’s bountiful autumn

Published on 18 Oct 2022

Our adventure in the world of sustainable tourism continues. TExTOUR’s pilots are facing the challenges and collecting the rewards of engaging their local communities in the process of building a sustainable business and cultural development plan for their territories. In this newsletter you will explore the possibilities offered by digital technologies, learn about our last meetings and workshops, discover the last video- interviews of our “Meet TExTOUR” series, and know more in depth the heritage of some of our pilots. Enjoy!

Dear readers,

Welcome back to our newsletter. We are happy to bring you up-to-speed with all that was done in the last seven months.

Within TExTOUR, all people worked incredibly hard to complete two more bits of the collective co-creation that is our project. We are now on the verge of starting the lengthiest of our tasks: implementation.

Everybody’s commitment to the project was incredible, particularly the efforts of our Ukrainian partners that achieved great goals despite the difficult situation they are in.
Being able to finally meet face-to-face in Torino (Italy) and in Foz de Côa (Portugal) boosted our networking and collaborative skills, and we are going looking forward to the next meeting in Limassol (Cyprus).

We are all looking forward to the months to come that will see the test of our cultural tourism strategies and the implementation of our measurement methodology.

Among the things that give us he strength to move forward and pursue our objectives we must mention you. Our faithful readers. Thanks so much for being with us in this journey to bring cultural tourism in Europe and BEYOND.

Stay tuned for the next, exciting updates.

Lucía Delenikas Ifantidis

Fundación Santa María la Real

TExTOUR Project Manager


Read the full newsletter here.

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